Conservation Alliance
Conservation Alliance
The Conservation Alliance is an organization of outdoor businesses who are dedicated to funding and partnering with organizations to permanently protect land and waterways for their habitat and recreation values. Alliance funds have played a key role in protecting rivers, trails, wildlands and climbing areas throughout North America. JanSport support through funding has helped ensure that future generations have outdoor places to enjoy. To date, overall Alliance funding has helped save 51 million acres of wildlands, protect 3,107 miles of rivers, stop or remove 34 dams, designate five marine reserves and purchase 14 climbing areas.
Leave No Trace for Outdoor Ethics
Leave No Trace for Outdoor Ethics
Leave No Trace is a non-profit organization focused on promoting and inspiring responsible outdoor recreation through education, research and partnerships. The Leave No Trace message is more than a campaign for clean campsites. It's a program dedicated to building awareness, appreciation, and most of all, respect for our public recreation places. JanSport supports Leave No Trace through program funding, and through a partnership with Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, NM. JanSport helps to provide Leave No Trace curriculum to 20,000+ Boy Scouts every summer.
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